Video index
1. Call to Order - 5:00 p.m.
1.1 Acknowledgement of a Quorum
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Budget Review by Chapter
3.1 Chapter 2: School Support and Improvement
3.2 Chapter 3: Chief Academic Officer
3.3 Chapter 4: Curriculum and Instructional Programs
3.4 Chapter 5: Special Education
3.5 Chapter 6: Family and Student Services and Engagement
3.6 Chapter 7: Operations
3.7 Chapter 8: Technology Support and Infrastructure
3.8 Chapter 9: Human Capital Management
3.9 Chapter 10: Finance
3.10 Chapter 11: Administration and Oversight
4. Followups
4.1 January 10, 2018, Hearing
4.2 January 16, 2018, Hearing
4.3 January 18, 2018, Work Session
Jan 25, 2018 Operating Budget Work Session Agenda
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order - 5:00 p.m.
1.1 Acknowledgement of a Quorum
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Budget Review by Chapter
3.1 Chapter 2: School Support and Improvement
3.2 Chapter 3: Chief Academic Officer
3.3 Chapter 4: Curriculum and Instructional Programs
3.4 Chapter 5: Special Education
3.5 Chapter 6: Family and Student Services and Engagement
3.6 Chapter 7: Operations
3.7 Chapter 8: Technology Support and Infrastructure
3.8 Chapter 9: Human Capital Management
3.9 Chapter 10: Finance
3.10 Chapter 11: Administration and Oversight
4. Followups
4.1 January 10, 2018, Hearing
4.2 January 16, 2018, Hearing
4.3 January 18, 2018, Work Session
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